Hi, my name is Banhaw Chun
I build websites and apps.

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I am a Software Developer who love to learn and improve my skillset to be able to deliver the best results and effeciency.

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Smartbot Face Recognition

A React App that detect a face when user input a link to the photo and draw a box around the face. This app has a backend server using NodeJS and ExpressJS and using PostgreSQL as a database to store data. User can register and login to have each of their entry recorded when input a picture and it detects a face succesfully.

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A Reactjs project that pull user from an API and show all the users with a search that is fast and responsive.

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Gradient Background Generator

A simple web to generate gradient background color for your projects. There is also an automatic generate button where u just sit and pick the one you like while it generate random gradients.

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